Have you figured out what you are doing this summer? I've got an idea. Work for an amazing summer camp. Camp Mendocino, operated by Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco, offers a 9 week summer camp for bay area inner city youth aged 8 through 14. The camp is located in a beautiful, remote redwood forest in Mendocino County, California. We offer all the classic summer camp activities, including horseback riding, swimming, archery, arts and crafts, environmental education, hiking, and, of course, ridiculous talent shows. Our staff is comprised of 18 through 70 year olds from all over the country and all over the world. About half of our 90 staff members will come from countries like Ireland, the UK, Russia, Australlia and at least a few from Mars. We're hiring for leadership positions right now, like the Director of our Teen Program, a Behavioral Specialist, Head Counselors and an Assistant Camp Director. We are also hiring camp couselors, life guards, maintenance crew members, a photo director, an envioronmental education director, kitchen staff, office workers, and much, much more.... As a 2 summer veteran, I can vouch for the fact that working here is an amazing experience on many levels, including as many as 6 levels. I may think of a 7th level soon. If you think you might be interested or know someone who might be interested, visit the website at
www.campmendocino.org where you can learn a lot more about camp and download an application. Inquiries can be sent to
campjobs@kidsclub.org. I'm going to be the program director this summer, which means camp will be even more ridiculous then usual.
*Pardon the recent outbreak of serious posts. I promise that this blog will return to its normal absurd format faster then a frog on a hot rod.
The best time of my life was working at this camp, and the time I spent with friends afterwards in SF.
I would love to be able to return to camp some time - but I am full time research summer 2006 and am probably joining the army after that...
er yeah, and after the Yostemite experience I did something about the whole fitness thing :-S
camp mendocino was eye opening - few kids will say thank you - but the positive impact on their lives is incredible
Im rambling... whatever happened to humourous posts? Any why is there no spell check on this? Dman ti!
As Sir Mark of Parkin has said: Orkay: Glooble Der. What did we think?
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