Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of The Union: old fashioned

Tonight's state of the union address seemed a bit old fashioned. Among many scary ideas, Bush proposed a bold new exploration of the US territories west of the Mississippi.
"We must see what's out there, and quickly, before the French beat us to it", proclaimed the president, winking at French dignataries he had already hired earlier in the day to explore the west. This brought about a rousing standing ovation from republicans in the chamber, but the cheers were interrupted by Rocky's wife, who screamed that such a mission would be "suicide".
But the biggest surprise of the night came when Bush released 4 white doves from his mouth.

1 comment:

tooter said...

it was also interesting to hear him talk about having dinner with boris yeltsin at the iron skillet. i thought yeltsin was at the bottom of a lake.