Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Main Street Hot Dog Lady

Way back in 1998, there was this awesome, wonderful old tart who, for a dollar, would give you a real nice hot dog out of her metal house parked on the sidewalk. She never had a kind word for anyone, and always worked her register when she needed to put money in or take it out, pushing big buttons. When it was time to leave, she'd put all the money in her pocket, lock up her shop, and pray that she didn't leave any hot dogs out. But this was the stone-age, and there was no need for panic.

1 comment:

Goulish Raven said...

Au contraire; the MSHDL (as she's known to us "dogheads") once commented to my girlfriend, Julie, that a necklace I bought her was simply exquisite. I'm paraphrasing, actually. She said it looked like shit and then asked if we wanted all onions and relish with no dog on a bun. She may have been rude but she always knew how we like 'em.